How to setup ads on Newsifier V2

Setting Up Ads on Newsifier V2

Adding ads to headless webpages based on client-side rendering and JavaScript, such as those built with Newsifier V2, is more complex than server-side rendered webpages. This guide explains the integration process to help publishers and ad agencies manage ads efficiently.

For Publishers:

If third-party access is needed, create a user account (type -> advertiser) with rights to change global, page, and body scripts. This limits access to ad management only, not the website design or content blocks.

Integration of Ads: Four Key Areas

  1. Global Scripts and Page Scripts (Head)
  2. Body Tags
  3. In-Article Ads
  4. Additional Customizations

1. Global Scripts and Page Scripts (Head)

Ad agencies often require scripts in the head of all pages. To integrate these:

Navigate to:

  • Admin Panel > Ads > Go to Buildifier (Site Builder)


  • Global Scripts: For scripts on every page.
  • Current Page Scripts: For scripts on specific pages.

Add Script:

  • Click on Global Scripts or Current Page Scripts.
  • Click the Add Script button.

Form Fields:

  • ID: Unique technical identifier. Every script must have a unique ID.
  • Strategy: Defines when the script is loaded:
    • beforeInteractive: Script runs before the page body loads. Use sparingly as it can delay page loading.
    • afterInteractive: Script runs after the page is processed. Recommended for most scripts.
    • lazyOnload: Script runs after all resources are loaded. Ideal for heavy or lower-priority scripts.
  • Type:
    • Content: Directly add JavaScript (without <script> tags).
    • Link: Load external JavaScript via URL. Can use async.

2. Body Tags

To add body tags for visual ad positions:

Access Buildifier:

  • Admin Panel > Ads > Open Buildifier

Add a New Block:

  • Navigate to a specific page from the left sidebar.
  • Click on the + sign on the desired location.
  • Choose to add above or below the selected component.
  • Options for Ads:
    • Container: Adds a multi-column layout for flexible ad and content placement.
    • Misc > _RAWHtml: Allows adding HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Save Changes:

  • Click Actions > Save Page.
  • Changes take roughly 30 seconds to reflect.

3. In-Article Ads

To add in-article ads dynamically between content blocks:

Navigate to:

  • Admin Panel > Ads > Add Ads

Form Fields:

  • Name: Recognizable name for the ad (e.g., IN_ARTICLE_1).
  • Content: Primarily JavaScript, but HTML and CSS are allowed.
  • Published: Set to Yes to activate.
  • Position: Specify where to place the ad (e.g., ‘Article > After block X’).
  • Min-Height: Define a size to prevent Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS).

4. Additional Customizations

For custom CSS:

Access Custom CSS:

  • Buildifier > Settings > Custom CSS


  • Click Actions > Deploy Tenant to apply changes.

Managing Ads Using Buildifier

Add New Ad Position:

Select a Component:

  • Choose a component above/below which to add the ad position.
  • Click + and select to add above or below the component.

Add Raw HTML Component:

  • From the list of components, select _RAWHtml.
  • Add ad codes and define a minimum height.
  • Click Add and Save Page.

Deploy Changes:

  • Contact Newsifier to deploy changes (deployment option is not available in Buildifier).

Manage Existing Ad Position:

  • Select Component:
    • Select the _RAWHtml component.
    • Make changes using the options in the right-side menu.

Delete Ad Position:

  • Delete Component:
    • Select the _RAWHtml component.
    • Click the trash icon and confirm deletion.

Showing Ads Within Article Content

  • Dynamic Ad Positions:
    • Managed via CMS.
    • Use ad positions of the type ARTICLE_IN_X (where X is the number of paragraphs after which to show the ad).

Adding Scripts

Global Scripts:

  • Use for scripts on all pages.

Current Page Scripts:

  • Use for scripts on specific pages.

Script Strategies:

  • beforeInteractive: For critical scripts needed before the page is interactive.
  • afterInteractive: For scripts that run after the page is interactive.
  • lazyOnload: For scripts that load during idle time.

Reload Ads on URL Change Without Page Reload (deprecated)

Include the following code to re-initialize ads on URL change:

console.log("Ad INIT");


Advanced Concepts on Buildifier Layout

  • Containers:
    • Organize components on the page. Width of ad positions depends on the container.
    • To show multiple ad positions in the same row, add containers first and then add _RAWHtml components inside them.
    • Choose the layout of the containers before adding components inside them.

This is a comprehensive guide on setting up and managing ads on Newsifier V2. For further assistance, contact your content here.